This is a fun piece of art inked paintstakingly with a fountain pen. I enjoyed drawing it, loosely based on a fall pallet. As a fun side note, she has four ears.
I'm rather pleased with this one. Did you know that banner bearers are actually super important? In ancient battles, they stood at the front lines and used various signals to communicate the general's orders to the troops. There was an important battle between the Greeks and Persians in 480 BC. called the battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks were outrageously outnumbered. However, when a banner bearer accidentally dropped their banner, the other bearers thought it was the signal to retreat, and dropped their banners as well. The entire Persian army was routed by the significantly smaller Greek force. So technically this lady is much more important and powerful than any flashy warrior could be.
this was just a fun little doodle I did of a pretty plant I saw. it was absolutely stunning and the bright salmon/rose/red flowers just POPPED! this was a nice leisure time doodle to do in between some other projects of mine. I find my happy place sometimes being taking care of my plants, taking pictures of pretty trees and plants, walking around a plant nursery, and now drawing beautiful plants I see.
my favorite fact I learned about the amaryllis was that is comes from the Greek word amarysso, which means “to sparkle” or “to shine”, as this plant does indeed sparkle and with its magnificent flowers when it blooms.
I enjoyed mixing mediums and doing one as a graphic doodle with my Micron pens and the other with watercolors - it was a good study for me seeing the detail come to life by lines/dots and then come to life by colors/shadowing colors.
These are some OCs that Ive been working on for a while. Long story short, Maria is Zoey's widowed mother, and Zoey has cancer. Maria is struggling to keep the two of them afloat financially , especially because their health insurance sucks. Hoping to create a story that tugs the heartstrings!
I remember how I just started making this piece with no guidelines no measurements.. nothing. Just me looking at the reference and goin blind in the feelings. I wanted to make this piece as alive as i could..I wanted to feel his presence near me.
School art. At my previous school, during lessons, I created what I call 'folder art' (doodles on school folders) This particular piece features doodles of girls, celebrating girl power
I absolutely love colored pencils. The smell, sound, and feel of them, their texture is amazing. Shading and depth control are so easy with them. :) Lucy looks pretty worried. Don't worry, Lucy. I'm sure it will turn out fine.
christmas ‘24 destination spent with my people - thankful for the few days of quality family time, endless memories made, the many many laughs, and the beautiful view we were blessed with from our airbnb! enjoy a little watercolor I did while there, a breathtaking view from the Ozarks!